say you Love it!
auto correct...there is no substitute

I LOVE the idea of 'do art daily'. It's a goal of mine. But, so is being in the Word, and exercising. Let's face it, it's an accomplishment if I get one of those things done daily. And I mean consistently every day. And then I try to make jewelry daily and work on my blog, and list items on Etsy. The list goes on and on. It's probably more of a weekly success for me. A few days in a row of making jewelry. A few days in a row of listing items on Etsy. A few days in...
where are you Spring?

It may be WAY too cold for 'mild' North Carolina but that's not going to stop me from bringing the warmth. One of the many 'hats' that I wear is that of being a Handmaiden. We are a partnership of crafty women who have been promoting art and the local art community in the Raleigh area for 10 years now. We produce The Handmade Market, twice a year. This year we are excited about adding new facets to our work. One of those facets is a monthly 'Challenge' to spark other artists to get going and get creative. I was...
the GIANT pom pom throw project
There is a yarn lover inside of me. Yarn=warm Yarn=cozy I think it would be wonderful to be a part of the knitting and crocheting community. I can imagine how relaxing it is to sit with knitting friends in a quaint little yarn shop. I'll probably continue to only imagine that as I cannot imagine another crafting obsession in my life! So I will settle for now, for the occasional project where I can use yarn. And I will imagine, as I'm wrapped up in my blanket with yarn poms, that I'm sitting with my knitting friends in a quaint...
2015... let's get this party started!

New year, new goals, new excitement to get more of my projects up on the blog! The fall and beginning of winter was a busy time for me. It always is, so I don't know why I'm surprised every year with how much I need to get accomplished. When you are an artist and sell your wares, the season leading up to Christmas is always going to be the busiest time. But every year I think I can somehow manage it all and make it seem less. It just doesn't work that way, not for me anyway. In the midst...
'7''s a wrap or is it?

What a way to end my 2014 study in excess. A weekend with my daughter and 400 other women at one of my favorite spots, Windy Gap! Windy Gap is a Young Life camp in the mountains of North Carolina. It really is my place to rest and rejuvenate. And with Jen Hatmaker as our guest speaker? wow! Like I said, a perfect way to end my participation in her book '7'! If you want to read the how and the why I read and carried out 7 an experimental mutiny against excess it begins here stress - the last...